How to open a support ticket?

14 Dec

What is support ticket? Normally, you can contact some company via e-mail – you send a message, and you get a reply. This works good, but when there is more customers – support staff may be confused. To provide better … Read More »

Necessary WP configuration

27 Jul

After installing WordPress you can face some problem if you don’t have this configuration. 1. Add this line in wp-config.php define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’); 2. Find php.ini file or, create one php.ini file in public_html and paste the lines below. max_execution_time = … Read More »

What is an A Record?

8 Mar

“A” records (also known as host records) are the central records of DNS. These records link a domain, or subdomain, to an IP address. An A record tells a DNS server what specific IP address to map for a host … Read More »